Month: May 2012

Always something more to do

There is a famous expression: “There is always something more to do.” Typically this expression is intended as an argument to take more time for yourself, for what you love to do, etc., because there is always going to be

Removing items from your task list

I am the kind of person that usually thinks of things to do far faster than I can actually accomplish them, no matter how hard or fast I work. As a result, my task list can easily grow to a

How to tackle crappy days

We all have crappy days. It’s inevitable. And we all have periods in our lives when more days are crappy than not. On these days, nothing will seem to go right, and certainly nothing exciting, fun, or pleasurable will happen.

Ask the important questions first

Have you ever hosted a meeting with a big list of things to discuss, probably more than you have time for? Or have you ever approached a colleague or mentor with a big list of questions, perhaps more than you

Organizing your Outlook email PST files

Have you ever seen the following message when booting up your computer? “To free up disk space, Outlook Express can compact messages. This may take up to a few minutes.” Do you use Microsoft’s Outlook email manager? If yes to
